EXAMAG - Exascale simulations of the evolution of the universe including magnetic fields
As part of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschafts Priority Program SPP 1648, Software for Exascale Computing, his is the project
EXAMAG - Exascale simulations of the evolution of the universe including magnetic fields
by the co-Principal Investigators:
Volker Springel (Max Planck Institut for astrophysics)
Christian Klingenberg (University of Würzburg)
We aim to bring the Millennium Simulation, one of the largest and most successful numerical simulations of the Universe ever carried out, to a much higher level of physical fidelity on future exaflop computing platforms. In this project we shall take crucial steps towards much more self-consistent simulations beginning soon after the Big Bang and ending with the formation of realistic stellar systems like the Milky Way. This is a multi-scale problem of vast proportions. It requires the development of new numerical methods that excel in accuracy, parallel scalability, and physical fidelity to the processes relevant in galaxy formation. To this end a new moving-mesh technique for hydrodynamics recently developed by us provides a significant opportunity to improve the accuracy and flexibility of methods commonly employed in astrophysical fluid dynamics. Building on the first successes with the new moving mesh code (the AREPO code) we propose a dedicated effort to further extend this numerical framework with the goal of producing an internationally leading application code on upcoming large computing platforms. In an interdisciplinary effort of astrophysicists and applied mathematicians we aim in this project for drastic improvements in the raw performance and scalability of our existing AREPO code. State of the art PDE solvers will be developed to introduce additional physics into the model. This will allow transformative simulations of individual galaxies and galaxy clusters with several tens of billion hydrodynamical resolution elements and full adaptivity.
See also here. For An overview publication see here.
This project is allied with the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche, which pays Philippe Helluy.