As of: 23.04.2015

Course Catalogue

Summer Semester 2015

Unless noted otherwise, all classes will take place in the following buildings:
Natural Science Lecture Hall Building (HS 1 to 5), Computer Science Building (Turing-HS, Zuse-HS, ÜR I and II, SE I to III), Hubland South,
Mathematics West (SE 30 [00.001]), Mathematics East (SE 40 [00.001]) and BSZ (Library and Seminar Centre) (S0.101 to S0.108, S1.101 to S1.106, Hubland North. (Map).

Master Mathematics International

Lectures (with Problem Classes)

08 03210 M=AAAN Applied Analysis, 4h, Tu, 12-14, Fr 10-12, SE 40 Wachsmuth D.
08 03215 M=AAAN-Ü Exerciese for Applied Analysis, 2h, We 14-16, SE 30 Wachsmuth D.
08 03220 M=ANGG Simulation and Optimal Control of Quantum and Stochastic Systems, 4h, Mo 10-12, SE 30, Th 12-14, SE 40 Borzi A.
08 03225 M=ANGG-Ü Exercies for Simulation and Optimal Control of Quantum and Stochastic Systems, 2h, Mo 14-16, SE 30 Borzi A., Ciaramella G.
08 03350 M=ATOP Topology, 4h, Mo 12-14, Th 14-16, SE 40 Jordan J.
08 03355 M=ATP-Ü Exercises for Topology, 2h, We 10-12, SE 40 Jordan J.
08 04040 M=VDSR Dynamical Systems and Control, 3h, We 8-10, Th 16-17, SE 40 Dirr G.
08 04045 M=VDSR-Ü Exercises for Dynamical Systems and Control, in groups, 1h, Th 17-18, Fr 18-19 SE 40 Dirr G., Ciaramella G.
08 04210 M=VOPT Selected Topics in Optimization, 4h, We 8-10, S0.102, Fr 8-10, SE 30 Kanzow C.
08 04215 M=VOPT-Ü Exercises for Selected Topics in Optimization, 2h, We 10-12, S0.102 Kanzow C.
08 04350 M=VVSM Insurance Mathematics II, 4h, Tu 10-12, We 14-16, S0.103 Fischer T.
08 04355 M=VVSM-Ü Exercises for Insurance Mathematics II, 2h, Th 8-10, S0.103 Fischer T., Karl S.
08 04360 M=VZRA Time Series Analysis II, 4h, We, Th 10-12, S0.106 Falk, M.
08 04365 M=VZRA-Ü Exercises for Time Series Analysis II, 2h, Mo 16-18, SE 30 Falk M., Aulbach S.
08 04370 M=VSTA Statistical Analysis, 4h, Tu, We 16-18, SE 30 Falk M.
08 04375 M=VSTA-Ü Exercises for Statistical Analysis, 2h, Mo 14-16, S0.107 Falk M., Zott M.
08 04380 M=VGEM Geometrical Mechanics, 4h, Mo 10-12, S0.103, We 12-14, SE 30 Waldmann S.
08 04385 M=VGEM-Ü Exercises for Geometrical Mechanics, 2h, Th 14-16, SE 30 Waldmann S., N.N.
08 04390 M=VMBV Mathematical Image Processing, 4h, Tu, Fr 8-10, SE 40 Hüper K.
08 04400 M=VGPC Modern Trends in Optimization, 4h, Tu 10-12, S0.101, We 14-16, S0.102 Burke J.
08 04405 M=VGPC-Ü Exercises for Modern Trends in Optimization, 2h, Th 10-12, S0.101 Burke J.

Student Seminars und Research in Groups

08 05010 M=SALG Seminar in Algebra, [M,MP], 2 St., Di 8-10, SE 30 Müller P.
08 05030 M=SGMT Seminar in Geometry und Topology, 2h, registration by email Grundhöfer T.
08 05040 M=SFTH Seminar in Complex Analysis, 2h, Fr 14-16, SE 30 Roth O.
08 05065 M=SNMA Seminar in Applied Analysis and Numerical Mathematics, 2h, Mo 14-16, SE 30.02.003 Klingenberg C.
08 05066 M=SNMA Seminar in Simulation and Optimization with Differential Equations, 2h, Tu 12-14, SE 30 Borzi A.
08 05082 M=SSTA Seminar in Industrial Statistics, 2h, Fr 15-17, SR 411 (Neue Uni) Göb R.
08 05095 M=SMNW Seminar Mathematics in the Sciences (Partial Differential Equations), 2h, registration by email Schlömerkemper A.
08 05096 Seminar in Mathematical Physics, 2h, by request Waldmann S., Ohl T.
08 05100 M=SGPC Seminar Statistical Learning, 2h, Th 16-18, SE30 Burke J.
08 05230 M=GGMT Research in Groups - Geometry (Finite Geometry), 4h, registration: email Prof. Grundhöfer for details Grundhöfer T., Nagy G.
08 05240 M=GFTH Research in Groups – Complex Analysis, 4h, Th14-16, Fr 14-16, SE 30 Roth O.
08 05260 M=GNMA Research in Groups - Numerical Mathematics and Applied Analysis (Inverse Problems), 4h, Tu 14-16, Th 8-10, SE 40 Griesmaier R.
08 05261 M=GNMA Research in Groups - Scientific Computing, 4h, Th 8-10, Fr 12-14, S0.107 Borzi A.
08 05270 M=GDSR Research in Groups - Dynamical Systems and control, 4h, Mo, Tu 16-18, SE 40 Dirr G.
08 05280 M=GSTA Research in Groups - Statistics, 4h, Fr 15-17, SR 411 (Neue Uni) Göb R.
08 05305 10-M=GALG Research in Groups – Algebraic Deformation Theory, 4h, Fr 10-12, SE 30, seminar as block course Waldmann S., Esposito C.
08 05310 10-M-GZTH Research in Groups - Number Theory, 4h, Tu 16-18, S0.101, We 16-18, S0.102 Steuding J.

Other Courses

08 06010 Mathematical Colloquium, 2h, We 16-18, SE 40 Mathematics faculty

Research Seminars

08 05410 Research Seminar Algebra, 2 St. Müller P.
08 05430 Research Seminar Geometry, 2h, by request Grundhöfer T.
08 05440 Research Seminar Complex Analysis, 2h, Mo 14-16, SE 40 Roth O.
08 05450 Research Seminar Didactics of Mathematics, 2 St. Weigand H.-G.
08 05465 Research Seminar Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 2h Klingenberg C.
08 05470 Research Seminar Optimization, 2h Kanzow C.
08 05490 Research Seminar Scientific Computing, 2h Borzi A.
08 05500 Research Seminar Deformation Quantization, 2h, Fr 14-16, SE 40 Waldmann S.
08 05510 Research Seminar Mathematics in the Sciences, 2h, Mo 10-12, SE 40 Schlömerkemper A.

Institute of Mathematics    Am Hubland    97074 Würzburg    Phone 0931/31-85021

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science  >  Services  >  Course Catalogues  >  Spring Term 2015